Tag Archives: Police

Wyke Green: Traveller event

Information about travellers pitching up on Wyke Green prompted a reccy on Thursday 9.6.2016. Toured the area by a neighbour, around the green where they had first located then across to Wyevale but advice from their car wash crew was that the vans had cleared off the day before.

160609 Wyke Horse sign copy

Later that morning Hounslow Council’s parks team advised of the actions taken to reclaim Wyke Green including by way of this notice of direction.

A missing post allowed easy access to Wyke Green recently

A missing post allowed easy access to Wyke Green recently

Residents near Wyke Green raised how easy it had become to access it due to a missing lockable post by Jersey Road; glad to say that by the afternoon the space was more secure with a replacement.  Carillion were also asked to remove a few black sacks, left relatively tidily.

Lockable post now in place at Wyke Green to limit further incursion

Lockable post now in place at Wyke Green to limit future unexpected visits

Coincidentally the next day, Councillors, in our weekly update bulletin Members Matters, received a briefing on Travellers which can be found here.

The advice included details of who to contact if you become aware of travellers camping in the borough.

Police: call the police non-emergency number 101

Parks: Carillion, the council’s parks contractor who’ll make the initial assessment, telephone 0845 456 2853 or email Hounslow.info@carillion.services.co.uk


TL 13.6.2016

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Filed under Council Business, Leisure, Middlesex, Neighbourhoods, Osterley, Parks, Wyke Green